20 Apr 2012

Day 5: the last day

It's a pity. Time flies. This is the last day of the studyweek. But no time to spoil, lot has to be done. First the visit to the nursery for mini-cucumbers and snack-tomatoes Verhoeven. Mr. Jan van Dorst will introduce them and Mr. Chris Wessels will help with translations.

Explanation at Fam. Verhoeven.

After this very interesting visit and a small coffebreak it was time for the final workshop. Mr. Dennis Kneepkens came specially from Amstedam to show the students how to make a very special flowerarrangements for hair for the girls and a corsage for the boys.
Mr. Dennis Kneepkens gives instructions.
The French students are very interested.
The results are beautifull.


Then it was really time to leave. All the things in the car. Say a final goodbye and with presents and a Picknick-bag for on the way, they left. It was hard to say goodbye.

Orange tulips for the ladies - special gift of Peter and Thea van Vessem.

A little gift for the students to remember us.

An orange flag for the teachers (for the EK) an Orangebitter for 30 april (Queens day NL).
One last photo ......
At 16.00 I got a textmessage of Mrs. Isabel Sauvage they were safely home. Time to relaxe ... and enjoy the memories of a beautirfull week.

In a few weeks I will visit them again to make preparation for the exchange weeks in Escalles and Coulogne. Our Dutch students will work, learn, make visits and fun with them in june.

Day 4 = D-day = Floriade-day

The fourth day is the most important day of the week. In 3 minibusses the students and teachers leave for the Floriade in Venlo. Ofcourse all the French students and teachers, the Dutch students Desiree, Lotte, Lotte, Megan, Zoƫ, Mick and Juul. Because Nicole couldn't come (she has exams) I asked two extra students to help the French students: Killian Rommens and Martin Nuchelmans. Today they are in the hands of Mr. Eric Abrahams and Mr. Cor Ruczynski.
Mr. Cor Ruczynshi (left) and Mr. Eric Abrahams (right)
Mr. Abrahams wrote a report:

At 18.00 h they arrived at the hotel. They were very tired, but very happy. It was the most beautifull day of the week. We ended it with a very nice dinner, all together (18 students and 8 teachers) at the restaurant of the hotel Rooi Pannen.
Yesterday we went to the Floriade with our French guests. Floriade is the Dutch World Expo, where we show how great we are in horticulture. After a long ride, we arrived at 11h at the entrance and everybody started to walk through the park.

First we (the teachers) took the cable-lane for an overview over the park. We saw the Royal Bus, because queen Beatrix and Willem-Alexander had invited the Turkish president for a visit of the Floriade.

Arrival of the Royal bus with the Queen Beatrix and President of Turkye.

We saw most of the districts and a lot of high-tech product promotions. Most impressive was the technique to give a single-coloured rose a multi-coloured look (all colours of the rainbow in just one flower: innovative!). We also saw a lot of countries promoting their horticulture novelties.

Students at Floriade Venlo

 At 16h we drove back to The Red Tiles (Rooi Pannen) for a delicious diner. The day was long, but it was quit pleasant.

Dinner at Rooi Pannen

Tomorrow the final day: cucumbers, floralworkshop and ..... departure to France.

18 Apr 2012

Day 3: relaxed program

Today we did a relaxed program because tomorrow we will visit the Floriade. At 8.30 everybody arrived at the school. First Mrs. Anne Motte had to visit the English lesson of Mr. Hans Mertens.

English lesson Mr. Hans Mertens

On the right: Mrs. Anne Motte.
Mrs. Sabine Laconte and Mrs. Genevieve Vanhersecke had to find fuel for the car and so it was a beautifull opportunity for the students to write a report for facebook. When their teachers came back, they published the reports.

Control the report.

Manon and Romaane help Mrs. Vanhersecke with facebook.
While the students visit the lessons of the Dutch students, Mrs. Vanhersecke and Mrs. Laconte went out for fuel.
 At 10.15 we left for "Groenrijk" in Oosterhout. Groenrijk is a very big shop with all kinds of things and many plants for the garden. It's a little bit like Jardiland in Calais. This entreprise is well known by Mr. Jan van Dorst. He is the teacher who takes care of "stage" for our Dutch students. And quiet a lot of our students have worked here. So it was lovely Mr. Jan van Dorst kept us company.

Groenrijk Oosterhout

Have a little bit to drink in Groenrijk.

Anthony is ready for the EK this summer. As you see, he loves Holland.

At school lunch was ready and Mr. Hans Mertens and Mr. Eric Abrahams joined the group. After lunch the visit at the tree nursery in Wernhout was planned. The tree nursery is owned by the father of one of teh Prinsentuin students: Ruud Jochems. He showed the visitors around.

Tree nursery Jochems Wernhout.
French students are very interested.
After the visit at the tree nursery the students had some freetime. They went shopping in the city of Breda, together with their new Dutch friends. Aftwerwards a relaxing evening.

For the French teachers we had a small evening program. They allso went shopping, but at 18.00 h Mr. Peter van Vessem and Mrs. Thea van Vessem (not me) picked them up at the hotel. They had dinner in restaurant Don Quichon and afterwards is was Ikea-time. They have to find the spatiphylums again.

Ikea time
In Ikea Mrs. Sabine Laconte found the Spatipylums
Now it's time to relax and sleep. The teachers love the hotel.

Tomorrow it's D-day. The Floriade day.

17 Apr 2012

Day 2: the longest day.

This morning all the students were at the parking at 6.00. We had one place to less in the cars, so Mr. Eduard Kamstra stayed at home. Mr. Noud Theuws did a big job: he took all the French students, teachers and Dutch students to the Flowermarket in Naaldwijk.

After a beautifull visit, they came back to Breda. At 10.15 h they arrived at the school in Breda and after a little break, they started the flowerlessons with Mrs. Agnes van Zon.

Floral workshop with Mrs. Agnes van Zon.

Mrs. Agnes van Zon gives all the instructions in English.

The students can pick the materials they like the best. Mrs. Sabine Laconte (on the right) is completely in heaven.

As you see, the are making a "flowercake".
 Then it was time for lunch. Mrs. Marieke van de Veeken and Mrs. Marieke Kavelaars did a great job. Specially for our guests they baked the famous Dutch "vleeskroketten". I learned the students to eat with 2 slices of bread, musterd and then simply with your hands.

The FR-students had written with their English teacher a lot of questions. Happily Nicole Peeters was at the lunch. She is one of the Dutch students. So all the FR-students had the posibility to exercise to ask the questions.

At 13.15 it was time to leave for the Spatiphylum-nursery. Killian Rommers (NL-student) went by the bike, together with Jessy Baele and Anthony Senecat (FR-students). They allmost arrived at the same time as we (with the cars). Mr. Hans Mertens was allready waiting for us.
The spatiphylum-nursery is owned by the brothers Houtepen. Arthur Houtepen was inside and after a little "hello". He showed us around in this beautifull entreprise. The French students and teachers were very excited: never seen such a business before.
Pictures say more then words:

Aroun 16.00 we arrived again at the school. After a hot Coco or coffea it was time for the students to go home. The French and Dutch students eat together at the Dutch families. The teachers went back to the hotel and will go for Chines food around the 16.00 h with Mr. Noud Theuws, Mrs. Judith de Groot and Mr. Eudard Kamstra. 

As you read: this is the longest day. At 20.00 h all the French students and Dutch students are expected the Sonsbeek-swimming pool for a few hours of fun. When I left France, only 4 of the 8 students wanted to swim. But the Dutch students all want to swim. So we decided we will try. But look at the photo's, I think the French students had great fun (as the Dutch).

Swimming pool Sonsbeek - Breda
I think they will sleep very wel this night.