22 Mar 2012

Participants studytrip april 2012 to the Netherlands

In the week of april 16th to april 20th 2012 French horticulture etudiants visit Prinsentuin Breda

Names of the teachers:
  1. English: Mrs. Anne Motte
  2. Biology: Mrs. Geneviève VANHERSECKE
  3. Horticulture:  Mrs. Sabine LACONTE
Names of the etudiants/students:
  1. Jessy Baele
  2. Elodie Duhautoy
  3. Romane Gressier
  4. Manon Melaire
  5. Audrey Leschaeve
  6. Anthony Senecat
  7. Maryne Townsend
  8. Aline Valle
It will be very nice to meet these students and teachers. We are looking forward to it!